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3 Fast Facts About Seal Kits

Inside of your hydraulic cylinders there are several seals that perform important functions. These include keeping your cylinders working efficiently, and protecting internal components from being damaged by corrosion, contaminants, and other factors. Whilst seals might be an often-overlooked component, they are one of the most important parts of your hydraulic system as, without seals, your systems wouldn’t work at all.

1. Seals need to be properly installed

Seals are used in a variety of hydraulic components including hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic motors and hydraulic valves. When installed properly, seals protect your hydraulic equipment, but if they aren’t properly installed, dirt can get into your machinery and cause damage. There are several issues that can be caused by improperly sealed equipment, including damage to machinery, liquid leaks and contamination of machinery and liquid.

The best way to check if your seals are properly installed are to check to for signs of improper installation, chemical erosion, heat erosion or contamination.

2. Seal kits are not one-size-fits-all

Each hydraulic cylinder has unique rod and bore diameters, cylinder length, stroke length, pressure flow, etc. The type of materials that seals are made of also vary according to the application required. Sizing a seal kit will be a straightforward process utilising you tape measure and calipers. The best advice would be don’t rush, and triple check that your measurements are accurate.

3. There are certain details you will need before ordering a seal kit

Choosing the right seal is often about more than just the materials. These additional factors to consider will go a long way toward ensuring that your system will work efficiently for the long haul.

You will need to know if your application is light duty (pressures up to 2,300 psi, temperature up to 70Ëš C), medium duty (pressure up to 3,625 psi, temperature up to 90Ëš C) or heavy duty (pressure up to 5,800 psi or more, temperature over 90Ëš C).

You’ll also need to know the dimensions of your cylinder, including the exact measurements of these parts:

  • Rod diameter
  • Bore diameter
  • Stroke length
  • Overall cylinder length

At Hydraulic Distributors we carry a wide range of hydraulic seal kits and can help find the right one for your needs. When you have your bore, rode, stroke and other measurements ready, reach out to our team on (02) 8608 2144 or at sales@hdaus.com.au and we will be in touch with you shortly.


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